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Publisher: National Lampoon, Inc.
Title: National Lampoon Magazine
Page Count: 108
Genre: Children, Detective-mystery, Romance, Satire-parody
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 1.00 USD
Cover Date: January 1976
Country: United States
The IRA and Orangemen spend all their time blowing each other up.; The Aesop Brothers accidently offend Howard Hughes after they find out he is the "Elephant Man."; The boy goes to the dentist.; In a tour of bars, Cub discusses Asian foreign policy and a complicated plan for Russia to take over the United States. Meanwhile his companion comments on a TV commercial for sausage.; Santa Claus fines Chicken Gutz for promising children expensive presents.; A story with gibberish in the word balloons and English subtitles below.; Jill and Steve predict their future life together.; Nick and Nicky fall through a skylight on a building.; A journalist goes undercover at a high school. He finds many things the same as his high school days, but some have changed.; How to draw breasts with a drafting compass.; A waiter at a swank restaurant kills a diner while opening a bottle of champagne.; A diner in a restaurant complains when his order is delayed.; Claude the architect tries to work despite distractions.