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Publisher: National Lampoon, Inc.
Title: National Lampoon Magazine
Page Count: 92
Genre: Humor
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 2.00 USD
Cover Date: January 1984
Country: United States
Zippy travels by rocketship to the planet of Microvia, only to find it has completely embraced capitalism.; Bonnie's friends find useable objects in the trash. When Pepsi tries, she just finds trash.; Ray gets in a argument with Joe (despite his being dead) and throws him out.; After being harassed by two small boys, Mr. Appleton gets his revenge with a combination of a metal slide and some violin rosin.; Politenessman teaches crooks how to fold their masks into intricate shapes.; A man is infatuated with a woman sitting in front of him on a plane, but discovers that she has been drawing scenes of violence the entire flight.; The problems of dealing with regular customers.; A boring tour of an old Hollywood studio.; The adventures of a female truck driver.; Driving west in her 1941 Chrysler, Aunt Mary stops at a diner for a snack. Then a flying saucer is spotted in the sky.; A man listening to the radio at his desk hears a caller on a radio program devise a way to swear on the air.