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Publisher: National Lampoon, Inc.
Title: National Lampoon Magazine
Page Count: 92
Genre: Humor, Satire-parody
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 2.00 USD
Cover Date: October 1984
Country: United States
Peters and Waterman wander through surreal adventures in Africa, looking for business excellence.; Zippy holds a press conference and then is part of the Presidential debates.; Pepsi decides that Bonnie needs a strenuous workout routine.; A girl goes on "The Love Connection" TV show, but all the men are losers.; Hercules makes a shambles of a department store.; Maurice is chosen to help a magician with his act, and in his bumbling way manages to kill the magician.; People in the city are polite while engaging in immoral acts.; An editorial writer decides to ask for a raise, but the publisher doesn't know he's part of the staff.; Doctors experiment on a man's brain.; People flee the city as aliens invade, but life goes on as usual in the rest of the world.; An arrogant comedian doesn't realize he's washed-up.; People cut themselves in a bizarre series of accidents, all on the same day.; Stockmo tells Reagan, who's sitting in his bathtub, that the deficit will be the worst ever.