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Publisher: Marvel
Title: ROM
Page Count: 36
Genre: Science Fiction, Superhero
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.50 USD
Cover Date: November 1981
UPC: 0714860232311
Country: United States
Rom flies to the location of Galador in a borrowed Skrull spaceship only to discover his planet is no longer there. Instead, he finds Nova and Powerhouse who are currently defending the planet of Xandar from a Skrull invasion (and are a little leery of a giant robot in a Skrull ship). Rom returns with Nova and assists in fighting off the Skrulls. In return, the Prime Thoran of Xandar discovers that the entire Golden Galaxy has been moved and transports Rom home to Galador's new stellar coordinates. With the Skrull threat neutralized, Richard Ryder is returned to Earth without his Nova powers.

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