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Publisher: DC
Title: Sensation Comics
Page Count: 32
Genre: Horror-suspense, Non-fiction
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: January 1952
Country: United States
A magic toy, a Jack-In-The-Box, passes from hand to hand and fulfills wishes. Good-hearted people make reasonable wishes and are granted with what they want. Finally a gangster comes into possession of the toy. Greedily he wishes for millions of dollars - and finds death.; A 400 year old curse catches up with Frederic Beaumont. All of his male ancestors were killed by the ghost of family rival Tybalt Fletcher. Beaumont tries to hide in a mountain lodge, but he can't escape his grisly fate.; Johnny Peril finds his friend Lee Allen, who just before he dies swears he has seen Subara the Ice Queen, who the natives believe lives on frozen Mt. Subara. Johnny returns to the mountain with two more friends, but only he encounters Subara. They refuse to believe he met the mythical woman until he produces her crown of roses.