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Publisher: EC
Title: Shock SuspenStories
Page Count: 36
Genre: Crime
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: June 1954
Country: United States
A man cannibalizes his new bride in order to survive being stranded at sea.; A mob beats to death a priest when the man refuses to betray the confession of a killer.; A detective arrests the man burglar who murdered his wife when she surprised him, and, after a brutal beating that hospitalizes him, continues to hound him in the hospital about the death he will receive in the electric chair. The man fixates on his vengeance to such a great deal that the killer flees the hospital and is struck by a subway car. The detective is tortured by the uncertainty of whether the killer burned by the third rail as he should have or if the train struck him first.; Marty, an well-known embezzler on the lam, falls for a beautiful gal and uses a false name when introducing himself. However, he later discovers that she knows who he really is and when she tells him that she wants $25,000 to keep quiet, he strangles her to death. But his conscious bothers him so much that he has an uncontrollable urge to confess the deed to anyone in earshot.