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Publisher: EC
Title: Shock SuspenStories
Page Count: 36
Genre: Crime, Horror-suspense, Science Fiction, War
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: November 1951
Country: United States
An abused housewife married to a neat freak snaps one day and neatly dices the sections of her husband's body into small jars.; A Colonel's son faces the firing squad for cowardice under fire, and is court-martialed and found guilty, sentenced to die by firing squad. Later, the Colonel lies to his boy, telling him that the rifles are loaded with blanks so that his son will go to his death like a man.; Conrad and his friend Reggie head up to the big woods for some relaxation, as well as going hunting for a grizzly bear. However, Reggie voices his loathing for Cartwright's hunting of big game and then making rugs out of them. But Conrad is due for a surprise one night after he bags one grizzly......and then hears another out in the darkness.; Aliens deposit their mutant births on Earth which, to them, appear as horrible monsters, but appear as regular human beings to the Earth men.