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Publisher: EC
Title: Shock SuspenStories
Page Count: 36
Genre: Crime, Horror-suspense, Science Fiction
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: August 1952
Country: United States
When a lumberjack boss blinds a young worker by hitting him in the head with a rock, the other lumberjacks gag him and stuff him in a hollow log for the blind boy to practice chopping through......and Liz, his wife, is next!; Police Lieutenant Staley murders his wife and then beats a confession out of an innocent by-stander.; A fight promoter tells the boys he sends into the ring that they've got to have guts. One of the washed-up cases steals a drug from his brother in med school that will make a person look dead, but still be alive, so that the promoter will be buried alive. However, when the promoter comes to, he has not been buried but finds himself in a Police morgue, and he briefly looks down to see that his guts have been removed during the autopsy.; In the 21st Century, marriage licenses must be renewed every three years, so a man pays a woman thirty thousand dollars to be his wife for three years, but both agree on no sex. She agrees, and over time, falls in love with him. At the end of the three years she tells him that she'll claim she's expecting a child and the license will automatically renew. But he tells her that she could not be expecting a child and reveals he is a robot, and that he only wanted a wife during the past three years for crucial business negotiation appearances.