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Publisher: EC
Title: Shock SuspenStories
Page Count: 36
Genre: Crime, Horror-suspense, Science Fiction
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: April 1953
Country: United States
A woman plots to give her naturalist husband an overdose of sleeping pills so that she can be with his younger brother. Before he passes, he acquires a large shark and places it in their outdoor pool in which the wife regularly swims.; Lucy, who was spending hours away from home on a regular basis, comes home one night and claims that old Hodges kidnapped and raped her, when, in fact, she had been with her lover. However, when the old man is killed and Lucy spurns her lover, he does the only honorable thing in his mind: kill her!; Every morning, after a man stabs a woman to death and stashes her body in the attic, he sees a huge bloodstain spreading across his ceiling. He tries to cover it up with paint, but every morning it's there. He even puts a bucket on the floor to collect the blood, and it appears half full to him when the suspicious detectives listen to his confession and tell him there is no stain and no blood in the bucket.; Ninety-five thousand years after man destroys himself with nuclear weapons, the evolved rats develop space travel and meet their Martian neighbors.