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Publisher: Bongo
Title: Simpsons Comics
Page Count: 36
Genre: Domestic, Humor
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.99 USD; 3.99 CAD
Cover Date: November 2005
Country: United States
Some years ago, the producers of The Simpsons toyed with the idea of spinning off some minor characters into their own television series — each of which failed. But that didn’t stop the studio marketing and licensing teams from creating comic book tie-ins for the exciting and quickly cancelled shows. Perhaps those books are best left on scrap heap of comic history, or maybe, just maybe, the time has come to present The Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase Quickly Cancelled Comic Cavalcade. Featuring the return of "Chief Wiggum P.I.," "The Love-matic Grampa," and "The Simpsons Family Smile-Time Variety Hour." [per solicitation]