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Publisher: Quality Comics
Title: Smash Comics
Page Count: 68
Genre: Adventure, Aviation, Children, Detective-mystery, Humor, Science Fiction, Spy, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: June 1941
Country: United States
To help out during a case involving feuds between rival clans in Chinatown, The Ray gives Bud a "ray ring" that emits a beam to blind people.; Midnight faces a foe who administers pills to people that regresses them to infancy, and he is even tricked to ingesting the drug as well. Gabby takes a chance with the antidote, which might kill the subject, but Dave is restored. Then, instead of turning the doctor in, Midnight gives Wackey a chance to reform, working with him and Gabby to better promote his genius.; Caglio and the Crystal Queen squabble over a mystical and lethal blue gem, which ends when the magician kiils the Queen and later succumbs to an explosion.; The Seal takes the law into his own hands to stop a murderous embalmer who is killing young women and posing them as life-like sculptures.