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Publisher: Quality Comics
Title: Smash Comics
Page Count: 68
Genre: Adventure, Detective-mystery, Humor, Science Fiction, Sports, Spy, Superhero, War
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: March 1943
Country: United States
Doc Wackey shows his latest gadget to the Army, and destroys half the city in the process.; Larry gets hired for a stunt job, but it's all a plot to pin a murder on him, if he doesn't die in the stunt that is.; The Spider runs a protection racket, and Rookie is determined to break him.; McGinty, upset when he reads his own obituary in the paper, along with the Jester, barely escape Lady Satan, who was the strongarm for a woman that married men for their life insurance policies.; Daffy searches for Deke, her former (crooked) wrestling manager, who has fled to the big city.; Kids gather scrap metal for the war effort, then get into a scrape over who owns the scrap.