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Publisher: Quality Comics
Title: Smash Comics
Page Count: 68
Genre: Adventure, Aviation, Children, Detective-mystery, Humor, Science Fiction, Spy, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: November 1941
Country: United States
Von Ribboncounter tries to sabotage the Army's test of a new dive bomber.; Hugh tries to stop a defense plant hold-up but ends up buried alive in a cave.; Rookie runs into the Liguori mob while trying to sell tickets to a benefit Police/Firefighters ballgame.; Professor Craft uses plastic surgery to create doubles of public officials and then kills the real ones.; Black X battles U-boats off the coast of California.; Gangster Speed Malone left an old house to his daughter, but his lawyer won't tell her where it is.; Wildfire, while visiting oil fields in the southwest, stumbles upon a murder, but the man behind the killing, Big Tom, thinks his liquid air gun will stop Wildfire.; Kent Thurston discovers his invisible hood has been stolen by the White Wizard, a scientist who cracks its secret and makes enough for a whole gang of criminals who menace the city of Metropolis and whom the populace thought were actually aliens.; The boys take jobs in a Florida hotel and expose a counterfeit racket.