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Publisher: IDW
Title: Star Trek Defiant
Page Count: 32
Genre: Science Fiction
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 4.99
Cover Date: November 2024
UPC: 82771403137902111
Country: United States
Spock and Sela are trapped in the belly of the Romulan warbird Taredrix and General Revo's coup. The three of them are the only living souls who know of the impending Romulan supernova. With Revo offering Sela the choice between death or a seat at the head of the empire itself, Spock will learn the answer to the question of what drives the universe ever forward: sheer willpower or blood? Meanwhile, it's up to Worf, B'Elanna, and Ro to save the pastoral planet Antara from the hostile Romulans seeking to take it as their own.