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Publisher: Dark Horse
Title: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
Page Count: 40
Genre: Science Fiction
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.99 USD
Cover Date: April 2009
Country: United States
"Zayne is entered in the "Dueling Duo" Tandem Open, and he has had a special handicap forced on him by threat of death! Aubin, the inexperienced, backward son of a veteran warrior-hero will be his partner in the preliminary battles! Zayne must make sure his partner survives the duels until the last round -- but he can't figure out what is behind Aubin's entrance in the battles. That is, until Jarael discovers that what drives the duel sports is a slavery-based "farm system" that provides the warriors. Jarael, Gryph, Rohlan, and Zayne must save Aubin and bring exposure to what horrors lie beneath the surface of the duels." [per solicitation]