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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Strange Tales
Page Count: 36
Genre: Spy, Superhero
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: June 1966
Country: United States
SHIELD sends out a squad of Fury LMD's attempting to track down his would-be assassin. Instead of capturing the LMDs, The Druid's eggs have been destroying them. SHIELD arrives at the site of an exploded egg which was a trap. Fury battles the Druid one-on-one worried that his men will be targeted if he fails. Sitwell drives a fleet of armored eggs from hiding while all hell breaks loose. The captured Druid brags that his main HQ is undiscovered while Sitwell offers to uncover The Druid's true identity. Noticing how ambitious Sitwell is Fury voices concern about being replaced by a younger man.; Mr. Rasputin, descendant of the original, amasses magical & scientific knowledge in his goal of world domination. Sensing an evil presence Strange finds Rasputin who soon realizes he cannot match Strange's magic and shoots him. A hospitalized Strange informs the police about Rasputin but when they fail to find him Strange realizes he may have taken refuge at his sanctum! As Strange investigates a hit-man Rasputin hired enters the hospital to finish the job. Strange emerges victorious erasing all memory of magic from Rasputin and forcing he & his henchman to confess their crimes to the police.