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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Strange Tales
Page Count: 36
Genre: Spy, Superhero
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: August 1966
Country: United States
Returning from their latest mission, Fury catches hell from the military brass. Count Royale continues bad-mouthing Fury to SHIELD's board of directors. A general explains to Fury how A.I.M. has technology they desperately need, but refuse to do business as long as Fury's in charge. This confirms Fury's earlier suspicions that A.I.M. is not legit. Royale has returned to an A.I.M. observation post and watches as a squad invades the SHIELD barber shop. Fury, Dum Dum & Jasper save the day. Royale, meanwhile, feels Fury's rash actions have put the last nail in his coffin.; Strange walks the streets of Greenwich Village and after stopping a robbery returns home to find his bills unpaid, his bank account empty, and a city building inspector informing him he has six months to bring his house up to code. He instructs Wong to sell some jewels to pay the bills, checks up on Baron Mordo, thinks back on recent events, and then contacts a theatrical agent, Hiram Barney, about a possible nightclub gig. But he's told magic is "out"-- rock bands are "in"! Just then he's contacted by The Ancient One, who tells him of a most dire menace in the offing, named Kaluu.