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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Strange Tales
Page Count: 36
Genre: Spy, Superhero
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: September 1966
Country: United States
Dugan is shattered when he thinks Fury is killed in a fire-bombing attack by A.I.M., only to discover it was actually a Life Model Decoy. Fury realizes their movements are under video-surveillance by the enemy. Count Royale and his A.I.M. cohorts are amazed at how sophisticated the L.M.D.s are and plan to steal one. While Fury submits to a trial a squad of A.I.M. men break into SHIELD's underground base. Fury shatters a viewport on the Heli-Carrier and leaps out to apparent death - but Sitwell equipped him with a parachute. Fury is met by Dugan as they prepare to take on A.I.M.; The Ancient One tells Strange of his early life in Kamar-Taj, a hidden land in the Himalayas. He & Kaluu were born there, but while Strange's mentor sought to use magic for good, Kaluu dreamed of power. Kaluu mentally gained control of the people, imprisoned his once-friend, and enslaved neighboring lands. The Ancient One eventually used a spell to strike, inadvertently causing the people to suffer, no longer immune to diseases. Kaluu fled to another dimension while The Ancient One left Kamar-Taj, swearing to use his magic to help others. In the present Kaluu prepares to seek his revenge.