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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Strange Tales
Page Count: 36
Genre: Spy, Superhero
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: December 1966
Country: United States
While the AUTOFAC computer works out the true identity of the Supreme Hydra, Fury plans to have Bronson transport Laura to SHIELD's West coast HQ. In the Personal Effects Dept. Fury is given a new weapons-laden outfit. Moments later he's attacked by The Dreadnought, a deadly 8-foot-tall HYDRA killer robot. Laura suspects Bronson may be the Supreme Hydra himself, and her suspicions are confirmed by AUTOFAC, but before she can pass on the info, Bronson overpowers her. Fury just barely manages to beat The Dreadnought, but finds Laura is missing-- and AUTOFAC names her as the Supreme Hydra!; Thru trickery Strange manages to escape The Mindless One. Using the Eye of Agamotto, he spies on Umar in her castle, as she plots to grind each dimension in turn under her heel. Seeking to free the prisoners in Umar's dungeon, Strange encounters Veritas, the "Embodiment of Truth Incarnate", and takes him to the castle past as swarm of flying demons. Umar is shocked and cannot bear the sight of herself as she really is (thanks to Veritas), but as Strange confronts her, she sends forth a mystic bolt of death-- toward Clea!