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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Strange Tales
Page Count: 36
Genre: Horror-suspense, Science Fiction
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: February 1961
Country: United States
A landlord cheats poor farmers out of their land in order to sell it for nuclear tests. Radiation animates the farmers' abandoned scarecrow which tracks down the man and forces him to give his profits to the farmers before its life ebbs away.; A criminal steals beans that grow into a beanstalk leading to the land of giants. He tries to rob a castle, but he is caught and imprisoned with other criminals, lured by the same beans to become slave laborers for the giant.; A scientist's assistant travels to the past with a gun to rule a pre-technology world. Instead he finds that time is a loop, and when he travels back too far he finds himself a thousand years in the future, helpless before the psychic powers of future humans.; A corrupt police chief uses fines to fund a giant prison in order to increase his prestige. He jails a passerby for no reason, but is shocked to find that he is an alien leader whose followers take the whole prison when they cannot open his cell, leaving the chief disgraced.