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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Strange Tales
Page Count: 36
Genre: Horror-suspense, Science Fiction
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: December 1961
Country: United States
An astronaut sent to Mars encounters a telepathic plant that destroyed all life on Mars and forces him to take it to Earth. The man kills himself by blowing up the spaceship and stranding the plant in space.; Alien giants menace New York, but retreat at token resistance. The people find a projector and decide that the aliens' giant size was an illusion. The aliens really were giants and left the equipment to disguise their cowardice.; A baby-faced criminal gets an ugly mask to disguise himself and intimidate people. When he removes the mask he finds that it has made his face just as ugly as the mask and so easily recognizable.; A man frantically tries to convince people in a park that he saw a statue move. When he is unsuccessful he is satisfied, since now he knows that his alien people's plan to infiltrate Earth with soldiers disguised as statues will work.