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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Strange Tales
Page Count: 36
Genre: Science Fiction
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: March 1962
Country: United States
Earth sends a pilot to get an important cargo past attacking space pirates. He is caught and thrown into space, his cargo taken. The cargo is a cobalt bomb that destroys the pirates, and the pilot is a robot, so he survives.; A man urges his unambitious gardener to go into business for himself, but his humble diligence saves the world when he snips a radioactive telepathic weed while it rests.; A fugitive meets a man from the future who offers to switch places. When he arrives, however, he finds that the man was another criminal, a shape-shifting Uranian. The authorities imprison him, assuming his form is a disguise.; A man gets a mysterious call for help but thinks it's a crank call and slams down the phone, breaking it. The caller is overjoyed, since it was a tiny alien spaceship trapped inside the phone receiver.