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Publisher: DC
Title: Suicide Squad
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.99 USD
Cover Date: November 2016
UPC: 76194134274000611
Country: United States
As Amanda's scientists work to extract an unconscious General Zod from the Black Vault, a bloodlust overcomes all within Belle Reve, driving everyone insane with a murderous rage. However, Harley, who was already insane, seems to be affected in the opposite way: she becomes sane and realizes that she must stop everyone else from killing each other.; Waller reviews Croc's childhood with him. In a flashback, we learn how bullies taunted young Waylon Jones because of his skin condition, but he was be-friended by a young girl named Emma. When one of the bullies goes missing, Waylon tried to help find the boy. Waylon and Emma find the boy has been killed by a crocodile, which then attacks them. Waylon tries to protect Emma, but she is killed also. The police arrive and believe that Waylon has killed the two kids, unaware that he was trying to save them.