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Publisher: DC
Title: Superboy
Page Count: 52
Genre: Superhero
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.25 USD
Cover Date: January 1972
Country: United States
A time capsule found underneath Metropolis reveals Jules Verne, who experimented with time in 1875. He wants to see the wonders of the world, so Superboy, with his top-secret clearance, shows off America's weaponry. Until Superboy catches a few anachronisms and exposes a spy - out to test Superboy's ability to keep a secret!; Lana Lang (Insect Queen) inducted into the Legion Reserve.; Lana Lang imagines what it would be like to be married to Superboy. But her dreams go awry when dream-Superboy sells muscle-making equipment to weaklings under false pretenses. The girls razz her as Superboy rushes away and returns with rescued orphans. She still comes last? Lana dumps ice cream on his head, and Superboy is left stranded and surrounded by Lana's amorous rivals.