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Publisher: DC
Title: Superman
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor, Superhero
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: November 1960
Country: United States
A Kryptonian Flame-Dragon makes it way to Earth. When it swallows a Red Kryptonite meteor Superman must stay away from the Flame-Dragon for fear the Red Kryptonite will affect him also. When the effect of the red kryptonite fades, Superman freezes the dragon and places him in a block of ice in outer space. Batman, Supergirl and Krypto then assist him in protecting his secret identity from the inquiries of Lois Lane.; Krypto decides to try to make Superman fall in love with Lois Lane.; While returning from the past, Superman is affected by Titano's kryptonite eye-blasts and it causes him to land in Chicago in the 1920's. Here he meets a young Perry White and helps him get his first scoop, and also stops Al Capone.