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Publisher: DC
Title: Superman
Page Count: 68
Genre: Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: March 1942
Country: United States
Lois and Clark stand by Sgt. Branigan and seek to assist him after he was blinded during a tussle with mobsters as well as being dismissed from the Police force for accidentally killing a woman while supposedly misusing his powers as a Police officer. To make things worse, Branigan is approached by the very mobsters he fought earlier and they are demanding protection money from him for his new business.; Superman heads to Europe to assist the democratic nation of Numark against the war-like attacks being made on it by Oxnalia, saving Numark's young Prince as well as bringing about peace between the two nations.; Superman must battle the Evolution King, a man who has developed a way to advance or revert the ages of prominent athletes, forcing them to pay him blackmail, else he keeps them in an old and decrepit condition.; Superman discovers that Battleship Y-92 had been sabotaged by agents of the war-like nation of Napkan upon launching. He later discovers that pro-Napkan parties have been established in South American, and the enemy wishes to have more formed in Central American nations that will turn anti-American, thus allowing Napkan to openly invade the United States without opposition.