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Publisher: DC
Title: Superman
Page Count: 68
Genre: Humor, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: July 1942
Country: United States
Clark Kent, concerned that the people of Metropolis seem oblivious to the Nazi threat in the world, approaches editor White about writing a series of stories that will wake the citizens up to the realization that they are in danger as well.; When an astronomer discovers the existence of a strange meteorite, Superman correctly guesses that it has something to do with the terrible heat wave engulfing Metropolis.; When editor White decides to take his first vacation in years, he appoints Lois to take his place, and her first order is to assign Clark to the love-lorn column. This assignment, however, leads the Man of Tomorrow into a case of intrigue and murder, as a mysterious man with a cane attempts to wrest secret plans for a tank-plane away from a young inventor.; When a miner dies of a mysterious snake bite, Superman disguises himself as a miner and secures work at the mine in hopes of uncovering the person responsible.