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Publisher: DC
Title: Superman
Page Count: 60
Genre: Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: September 1943
Country: United States
After viewing a rather bad old-time melodrama, Clark gets a great idea (to him anyway): have Superman star in an old-fashioned melodrama with Lois as the heroine to be rescued.; When Lois and Clark are given a tour of the War Department, they are told of a place called "Crackpot Lane", a place where the most far-fetched inventions and ideas to end the war end up. However, some of a screwball inventor's inventions actually work and that interests some Fifth Columnists operating out of a sanitarium.; After Lois and Clark have a pretty serious spat, Superman is asked for his advice on how to settle the argument, and gives it to Lois. Lois feels the best place to make amends is at the surpise birthday party for Clark that evening, but she wants Superman to attend. The only thing Clark can think of is to hire a double to play the role of Superman at the party, not knowing the man is actually a criminal!; Shot down by enemy gunfire and severely wounded, Colonel Randall and his men take on a group of Nazis and Japanese in the Arctic, where the enemy hopes to establish their own aerial route.