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Publisher: DC
Title: Superman
Page Count: 68
Genre: Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: November 1941
Country: United States
Superman must battle Lex Luthor who is disguised as The Light, a criminal who kidnaps prominent men from many different fields, hypnotizes them with colored lights, and makes them do his bidding.; A new villain hits the front pages of Metropolis' newspapers, a villain who prefers hunting human beings for profit rather than animals, and when Perry White cannot locate Lois or Clark to cover the story, a young office boy at the Daily Planet takes on the job himself --- and gets his first by-line!; Clark Kent receives a note to go to a certain address to pick up a baby and to care for it for a few days. But when attempts are made to kidnap the child, Superman intervenes and discovers that the mother was trying to protect the child from enemy agents who believed she knew the secret of her late husband's war-time invention.; Superman discovers an underground civilization beneath Metropolis that has been using a ray apparatus to destroy buildings in Metropolis and elsewhere. He meets with Kyack and learns that this civilization once populated the Earth before the ice age, and the glaciers forced them underground, where they built their new civilization. Now they are planning an invasion of the Earth's surface and restore the rule they once had over it.