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Publisher: DC
Title: Superman
Page Count: 52
Genre: Humor, Military, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: May 1944
Country: United States
Wilbur Wolfingham shows up in the Eden farming community, which has been beset by drought, tornados and insect infestation, and offers nothing but doom and gloom for the future. As a gesture of "good will", he offers to buy out the farmer's land and stock at whatever price they deem fair, giving the people worthless checks. When Superman enters the scene, the farmers have been bilked further by Wolfingham over the community's "worthless" oil well.; At a meeting of The Liar's Club, Mr. Boyle tells the members of the story of the twelve labors of Hercules, and that they were accomplished, not by Hercules, but by Superman himself!; Superman enters the fray when a criminal smashes the model ship that Jimmy Tuttle has made in conjunction with the Daily Planet's model-building contest so that his own brother can win the prize money.; Lois helps stop a man with a broken heart from jumping off an eight story building because his girl gave his present to her of a box of chocolates to her dog.