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Publisher: DC
Title: Superman
Page Count: 52
Genre: Humor, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: July 1944
Country: United States
When the Prankster is accidently hit by an automobile, the owner, a multi-millionaire, offers his fortune to anyone who can make him happy. The Prankster creates a scheme through a phony "Wizard of Wishes" to bilk that man out of his money, that is, until Superman catches wind of the plot.; A formerly rich man, whose relatives still think he is loaded, decides to discover just how much his relatives think of him, and holds an unusual "Kent Family Reunion", with nearly disastrous results.; A tycoon whose philosophy is is make his money work for him...dishonestly...such as stealing masterworks from art museums and using his own money to create his own art factory that makes clever forgeries to take their place. When Superman discovers this outrage, the tycoon hires engineers and scientists to discover Superman's weaknesses and to put the Man of Tomorrow out of the way!; When Lois is given the assignment to write a story on a bake shop, little does she know that that bakery is a front for the lottery racket the Police have been trying to shut down.