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Publisher: DC
Title: Superman
Page Count: 68
Genre: Superhero
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 1.50 USD
Cover Date: June 1984
Country: United States
In the 60th century, Superman has become almost a relegion. After an accident in the present, Superman is thrown into the future to witness what his legacy will be.; The history of the Human race, and the children of Superman, as they spread out among the stars.; In the far future, Doc Homer tells a story of being rescued when he was a young astronaut by a very old Superman.; In the year 2491, Konrad Glumm finds Superman's old costume and sparks the Christmas Rebellion of 2491 that leads to the return of democracy to Earth.; In the far future, Aron and Josif play an advanced virtual reality video game that allows them to be Superman and Jimmy Olsen.; How do normal people view Superman?; In the future, Dr. Noah Mandell finds a copy of the Earth-Prime Superman TV show and discovers what Superman's secret identity was.; Two college professors in the far future debate if Superman even existed.