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Publisher: DC
Title: Superman
Page Count: 68
Genre: Non-fiction, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: May 1940
Country: United States
Lois and Clark are very concerned when they see business owners trying to induce children into their stores to play slot machines, placed there by the goons of "Slug" Kelly. When the duo are held captive by Kelly and threatened with death, Superman takes over to clean house of the machines and the mugs responsible for them.; Punk politician Alex Evell, because of his growing political power, is out to buy the Planet's competitor, so that he will have a newspaper to back up his political dealings. But Evell doesn't like Clark Kent and his scathing articles about him, so the crook sets out to buy out the Planet as well..or else!; Clark Kent smells a rat when he enters several offices of financial wizards, hoping to find out why they are profiting during a time of extreme depression, and noting a sickening sweet smell of incense in the air. Superman discovers that it involves a plot by Luthor, who uses the narcotic incense to inslave the men and thus profit off their ventures.; Superman investigates why a noted chemist's serum, parabiolene, financed by a noted gangster named Carlin, is being used on noted people, making them virtual slaves to do the bidding of Carlin.; Superman reminds his readers to get plenty of rest, eat right, gets lots of exercise and drink plenty of milk.