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Publisher: DC
Title: Superman
Page Count: 52
Genre: Children, Humor, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: November 1949
Country: United States
Superman tails Lois as she investigates Swami Riva. When the swami hexes Superman, he appears to weaken, and the swami begins to sell his ability to hex Superman to members of the underworld. Superman traces the gem in the swami's turban to a meteorite, then follows the path of the meteorite back in time and across space to the planet Krypton, which he surveys as a phantom. He learns how Jor-El failed to convince his people of their impending down and sent his son to Earth where he was adopted by the elderly Kents. Superman returns to the present and puts Swami Riva out of business.; The Prankster takes over Superman's radio show--and Supes has to fill 24 hours of radio time HIMSELF!!; Lois decides Superman might be more likely to fall in love with her if she changed her hair color.