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Publisher: DC
Title: Superman
Page Count: 68
Genre: Non-fiction, Superhero
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: August 1939
Country: United States
Clark Kent is assigned to interview Professor Runyan, who claims to have invented a gas so powerful that it can penetrate any type of gas mask. A group of criminals successfully steal the formula, wishing to sell it to a munitions manufacturer so it can be used in the civil war in Boravia.; Superman saves the former heavyweight boxing champion of the world from committing suicide. When Superman learns that Larry Trent was drugged by his former manager to lose the title bout, the Man of Tomorrow disguises himself as Trent and slugs his way back to the title match, in which Trent himself steps in and wins.; After five construction workers mysteriously die while trying to erect the Atlas Building, Superman decides to investigate, and discovers that Nat Grayson wants to prevent Bruce Constructions, Inc. from completing the building in the time required in the contract, thus eliminating his rival competitor.