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Publisher: DC
Title: Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor, Superhero
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: June 1958
Country: United States
Jimmy tries writing a fictional novel about Superman, but keeps hitting snags in the plot. A great plot finally comes to him in a dream, but he cannot remember it when awake. Superman helps him by taking Jimmy one year into the future (1959) where they buy a copy of the completed novel, and return to 1958 with it.; Krypto turns up in Metropolis after years in space but is now in his old age. Superman allows Jimmy to keep him as a pet, but Krypto keeps making mistakes (probably due to his age) to the point that the City Council calls him a menace. Superman is forced to take him away, but rejuvenates Krypto with a combination of kryptonite and mineral waters.; Jimmy accidentally gets hold of spectacles from a scientific villain, and finds out that they can show the future. One of the visions he sees shows his death from drowning. Trying to avoid that fate, on the fateful day he makes sure he is not going to be where the vision shows he will drown; just to have Superman take him there anyway. But then he finds out Superman wants him to be an actor in a "safety first" film about the dangers of drowning.; Pete's cousin keeps missing fly balls in a baseball game, but Pete finds a way to help him.