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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Tales to Astonish
Page Count: 36
Genre: Horror-suspense, Science Fiction
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: November 1960
Country: United States
The monarch of planet X arrives on Earth in order to capture a town for experimental purposes back on his homeworld. The hero of our story defeats Groot with termites.; A thug ventures to the Himalayas with the intention of capturing the Abominable Snowman for profit but is frustrated in his attempts of getting the locals to refer him to the creature he has in a photograph. They all tell him to discard the photograph as it is cursed. He plods through the mountains for weeks unable to locate any trace, until his mind is addled, and he drops the photograph which is now a reasonable resemblance of what he has become.; A misogynist wood-carver falls in love with his sculpture and has himself transformed into wood, but his refusal to pay a gypsy mystic leads to her making the wooden figure human out of spite.; An ex-con investigates a professor's theories about a world inside television sets. He proves the theory when a gate opens accidentally, allowing the inhabitants to pull through an old enemy of his trying to get revenge.