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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Tales to Astonish
Page Count: 36
Genre: Fantasy, Horror-suspense, Science Fiction
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: August 1961
Country: United States
A teenager mans a drill-pod and finds a primitive tribe and a horrible creature beneath the surface. He lures the creature to the surface to save the tribe and traps it in a canyon, keeping all of this secret.; A writer buys a used typewriter that will only type a plea for help and an address, no matter what keys are struck. The writer goes to the address, and finds the typewriter's former owner trapped in a dangerous car accident.; A second-string drummer is envious of another member of the band, and so when he hears about a local gypsy, he goes to see her about improving his playing ability. At first, she refuses to help him because she can tell he is asking out of impure motives, but he threatens her with violence and so she casts her spell. At first, he is happy with his new fame as an excellent drummer, until he realizes...that he can never stop.