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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Tales to Astonish
Page Count: 36
Genre: Science Fiction, Superhero
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: June 1962
Country: United States
Henry Pym invents an anti-radiation gas, that attracts the attention of communist spies. Henry eluedes them by shrinking himself once again.; Henry Pym learns how to command ants to do his bidding and frees his captured assistants, with the help of the ants.; After escaping from jail, Hugo Cragg heads for a deserted mansion to hide out until the heat is off. Then he discovers a strange closet in the house: after he puts something into it, the object disappears! He figures that if the objects disappear into another dimension, why not go there himself to hide from the Police? He does, but becomes two-dimensional.; An explorer returns to Earth with a telepathic plant, which claims that it is the real human, and that their minds have been swapped. The switch is reversed, and the planet quarantined.; Henry Pym invents an anti-radiation gas, that attracts the attention of communist spies. Henry eluedes them by shrinking himself once again.