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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Tales to Astonish
Page Count: 36
Genre: Science Fiction, Superhero
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: February 1963
Country: United States
A scientist forced to retire makes a device to artificially age others and holds the city hostage. Ant-Man can't stop him, but when he accidentally ages his own grandson he repents and reverses the damage.; A boy gains extraordinary physical and mental abilities due to his parents' exposure to radiation. He wants to play baseball, but his fastball punches a hole in a tree and would damage a catcher.; A man is bitter because he has been replaced by a computer and must take a job servicing it. It is ensconced in an air-tight clean room with a door that is opened after fifteen minutes allotted for servicing purposes. When the man enters the room, he gets the idea to sabotage the machine so that it will make mistakes and he can get his old job back, but he damages the circuits that allow the machine to open the door after the fifteen minutes of oxygen are used up.