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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Tales to Astonish
Page Count: 36
Genre: Science Fiction, Superhero
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: March 1963
Country: United States
When a fellow scientist is killed by an alien being, Ant-Man enlists the help of the dead man's daughter. He gives her the ability to shrink and tiny wasp wings, and she joins him as his partner the Wasp. The duo use the alien's acidic nature to destroy it, saving the city.; In the year 2000 all of New York City is searching for a 'plague carrier' who is attempting to escape notice and flee the city. He is apprehended at a transportation center and the police remove the 'plague' from him which turns out to be a handgun he had stolen from a museum which officials had worried could back bring the plague of war.