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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Tales to Astonish
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: November 1964
Country: United States
Egghead uses a simple clothing store dummy to create a giant and powerful android which he plans on controlling mentally as it battles and defeats Giant-Man. He entices his arch-foe into his trap with the promise of a television series based on his heroic exploits (actually, it is Jan who is pretty keen on getting Hank into show biz).; The Hulk takes on the indestructible Banner created robot and, in one of the more dubious plot devices in comics, succeeds in kicking him down a bottomless hole when he realizes that he cannot beat the machine. Glenn Talbot arrives on gamma base sent by the Pentagon to keep an eye on the suspicious activity of Bruce Banner. Glenn decides that keeping an eye on Betty seems like a good idea as well. The Hulk is felled while saving Gamma Base from a missile and Ross captures him in a special restraint built by Bruce Banner based on a design by Tony Stark.