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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Tales to Astonish
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: February 1965
Country: United States
When Hank snaps at Jan for making a clumsy error during an experiment, she tearfully decides to get away from his abuse and take a trip. When her plane is captured in Attuma's latest bid for surface world conquest, a remorseful Giant-Man comes to the rescue.; Banner has been jailed as a traitor and is popping tranquilizers to keep himself from turning into the Hulk. Rick goes right to the commander in chief to tell the prez Banner's secret and to ask for his release. Much to Talbot's chagrin, the president orders Bruce's release and the two are sent to Astra Island to oversee testing of Banner's absorbatron which has the power to soak up a nuclear blast. Figuring that one Humanoid was not enough, the Leader sends a horde of them to Astra where they battle with the Hulk.