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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Tales to Astonish
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: June 1965
Country: United States
Realizing that the strain of growing and shrinking so much is doing damage to his body, Hank adjusts his helmet so he can only grow to one size--the 35 foot height of Giant-Man. With the Ant-Man side of his abilities out of his bag of tricks, he adjusts Jan's helmet so she can cybernetically communicate with wasps. Oh, and the Human Top attacks too.; Saving Talbot and himself from plunging to their deaths, the Hulk decides he is tired of world travel and leaps home. Waking up in gamma base, Bruce is once again jailed as a traitor and the president once again sets him free (Rick told the commander in chief the secret of the Hulk a few issues ago). Banner and Talbot are once again sent to Astra Island to continue a test of the absorbatron but the leader sends an army of Humanoids who finally succeed in capturing the Hulk.