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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Tales to Astonish
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: July 1966
Country: United States
Namor is driven mad by the betrayal of Lady Dorma (she agreed to marry Krang last ish in order to protect the Sub-Mariner from the monstrous Behemoth). Dorma and Krang turn their skin to flesh color and head to the surface world to hide out.; The Secret Empire hires Boomerang to obtain the plans for the Orion missile and the new bad guy on the block heads for gamma base. As Rick, Betty and Glenn are returned to the surface from the underground subterranean kingdom, Boomerang captures Betty to use as a bargaining chip for the missile. Banner frantically makes his way through a pitched battle between the forces of the Mole Man and Tyrannus, trying to find a way to return to the surface and help his friends but it is only when he once again becomes the Hulk that he accidentally stumbles on the right machine that accomplishes the task.