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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Amazing Spider-Man
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.99 USD; 3.75 CAD
Cover Date: June 2007
UPC: 75960604716154111
Country: United States
Now that he knows the Kingpin ordered the hit that brought down Aunt May, Spidey takes the goon who shot sniper Jake Martino down to the sewers and mercilessly pumps him for information. Returning to the hospital and finding that Aunt May is not getting any better, with their money running out, Peter gives Aunt May a transfusion of his own blood as this has helped her recover in the past. Knowing that Spidey is onto him, Kingpin pays off the prison guards to bring him his clothes and open the doors so he can escape. As he is walking out, Spider-Man arrives for a confrontation.