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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Amazing Spider-Man
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.99 USD; 3.05 CAD
Cover Date: April 2008
UPC: 75960604716155511
Country: United States
Spidey has Dr. Strange use his awesome mystic powers to forecast the weather and tell him when the freak blizzard howling outside will end. Instead, Strange tells him of a looming danger that will show up at 4:00 that afternoon. With a few hours to kill until then, Peter heads to work and gets an annoying assignment from Bennett wherein he must take pics of the snowstorm clean up effort the following morning. At the alloted time, Spidey and Wolvie save a man from a pack of Mayan warriors who are trying to kill him. Spidey wraps the warriors up for the local police, who attempt to arrest him.