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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Amazing Spider-Man
Page Count: 52
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 3.99 USD
Cover Date: December 2008
Country: United States
Norman invites Harry to rule the world with him as father and son. Spider-Man and Anti-Venom take on Green Goblin and the Thunderbolts. Gargan injects Anti-Venom with a deadly poison which causes the suit to leave Eddie. Spidey discovers that it was Harry and not Norman that was doing medical experiments on illegal immigrants. Norman spins recent events in the media to make himself look good. Lily kisses Peter. Aunt May sees a violent side of Martin Li that she didn't expect. Eddie finds that the poison's effect is temporary and heads off into his new life as Anti-Venom.; Spidey inspires presidential hopeful Stephen Colbert to stay in the race.