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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Amazing Spider-Man
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.99 USD
Cover Date: August 2009
Country: United States
Spider-Man takes on Slyde who turns out to actually be an officer of the NYPD in disguise. Spidey barely escapes the false Slyde and a cadre of police officers equipped with Mandroid armor. Peter gets a job with J. Jonah Jameson but fellow employee Glory Grant chews him out for not showing his new boss the proper respect. Peter is knocked out by the Chameleon who takes him to his lair and makes a cast of his face so that he and get close to those in power. Peter is dropped in a vat of acid and, when his cell phone rings, Chameleon answers as Peter Parker and makes a date with MJ.