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Publisher: D.C. Thomson
Title: The Beano
Page Count: 20
Genre: Adventure, Animal, Anthropomorphic-funny Animals, Children, Historical, History, Humor, Superhero, Western-frontier
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.02 GBP
Cover Date: January 1974
Country: United Kingdom
The cats are acting a bodyguards to the children on a school cruise, and make an appearance in time to witness a French fighter plane nosedive into the sea.; Minnie is snubbed by Fatty Fudge and some other local children, and asks her dad how she can make more friends. Dad says to smile at people and be kind. Minnie follows this advice but manages to cause chaos.; A film company are making a western on the meadow, meanwhile the school inspector is due a visit and the school must look it's best. Perhaps the film director can help?; Roger's dad tells Roger to clean the car, but Roger finds a few ways to dodge out of it, although the last dodge backfires... literally on dad, and then metaphorically on Roger.; The three bears realise they are not light enough on their feet to avoid Huck's buckshot. But will ballet lessons help them?; Grandpa plays cowboys and indians but this cause a complaint, so his dad tells him to stop playing dangerous games, and suggests Tiddlywinks, which causes even more trouble, much to dad's confusion.; Angus the stag has been disturbing the peace in the village, and Lord Snooty looks for a way to keep him under control.; The pups appear to be dancing in the snow because they are sh-shaking with the c-cold. What will make them hot dogs?; Billy Whizz's dad tells us that Billy is not the only speedster in their house... well if you can't beat them, join them, he always says.; "Baby-Face" is robbing and Marshal Mallow launches a poster campaign to catch him, which leads to "Baby-Face" becoming not so much a robber - more a rubber!; The McTickle's money-box is empty again, so Murdo says they must get some more gold. They set off to yonder hills for gold, but come back with anything but.; Whiskers' bowl has frozen over, so the Nibblers go skating, until Whiskers' spoils their fun, but the skating has given them an idea for getting a good munch and some fine skating.; Little Plum reads an advertisement for a special job vacancy, but what will the recruiter put him through, and will he even want the job?; Dennis's dad takes Dennis to a concert, but bans Gnasher from coming, though Dennis has other ideas. They see a hypnotist, which gives dad an idea for keeping Dennis in order, but in the end, and much to his puzzlement, he just can't see eye-to-eye with Dennis!